Absurd Arguments (in Pirate)

Rabbi Dave replaced his computer this week, so of course the sound inputs aren’t working correctly… the absurdity of the “Religious Exemption” to the vaccine mandate is pretty obvious when you think about it, even to a Christian Scientist (which is NOT a Scientologist). The best argument for an exemptions is to just be a politician!

It’s a “Talk Like a Pirate Day” episode of What the Frock!


Stop us if you’ve heard this one before… masks are back and better than ever! Apparently OnlyFans has tired of making gobs and gobs of money. It’s either that or there is something more nefarious afoot. Mad Scientists are growing brains in Petri dishes and Woke culture is turning everything to… well… you know…


Sex Crabs

After an unexpected week off, Rabbi Dave headed for the hills, while Friar Rod was busy donating platelets and trying to keep his daughter out of jail.

The boys return just in time for another useless mask mandate, which has them a bit on edge. football, bit American and European, is underway, and it was NOT a good start to the season and another useless start for the American version. Meanwhile, Hermit crabs are getting frisky and State Patrol Officers are trying to explain what they missed in North Carolina.

See those birds up there in the air? They might not be real…

Darwin Awards

After a couple of weeks of deafness, Dave can finally hear again. Also, we no longer have to wear facemasks.


The cancelling of dead white guys who contributed to society and science continues, as now even Charles Darwin finds himself on the chopping block for being a racists, sexist, misogynist who shouldn’t be remembered for anything else.

The Good Friar and the Rabbi are here to help you step up your dating game!